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Top Safety Precautions You Should Take while Using a Chainsaw

Top Safety Precautions You Should Take while Using a Chainsaw

best battery chainsawBefore starting using your chainsaw, it’s extremely important to learn how to use it safely and take all the precautions. Although chainsaw manufacturers continuously try to make their products as safe as possible with new safety features, it’s your responsibility to learn and follow the right operating techniques while undertaking any project. You should always wear safety gear and also ensure if the safety gear is fully functional.

Why Chainsaw Safety is Important

A lot of people buy the best battery chainsaw without learning about the risks involved while operating it. This isn’t just another tool that you buy, unbox and begin using without needing previous experience. You can do things to avoid injuries, although some effort and learning are needed to build an intuitive understanding of safe use of chainsaw.

Risks Involved in the Chainsaw Operation

Users should always consider a chainsaw as a hand grenade without a pin. It is quite likely to go off in your face. Right from the moment you take it out from its storage space to the moment you keep it back, you can be injured either by the tool or by whatever you cut. A good rule of thumb is to start out with a cheap chainsaw to get the hang of how the tool operates, then you move up to a bigger machine. A review of the best value chainsaw options will show you what you can get for cheap.

Safety Tips

General Safety

  • Read the owner’s manual thoroughly and carefully as every chainsaw is different and you should be totally aware of your model.
  • Accept your limitations. If your project is beyond your capability, don’t hesitate to get it done by a professional.
  • Always use protective gear, like:
    • Goggles
    • Hearing protection
    • Hard hat
    • Boots
    • Gloves
    • Chaps
  • If you are doing your first project, take up a simple one, like cutting branches or logs for firewood. Never start with felling a huge tree. Slowly you will get enough practice to take up larger projects.
  • Take help. Always have somebody close to you, but not very close so as to avoid any untoward incident.
  • Keep a first aid kit at hand.
  • Never cut a log which is held by someone else.
  • Make sure the chain brake is engaged before starting your chainsaw.
  • Always hold the chainsaw with both the hands.
  • Check your chainsaw before starting to make sure the safety features are working.

Tree Felling

  • Clear any obstructions, debris, brushes etc before starting cutting.
  • Check the surrounding and the tree itself whether it’s safe for cutting, like if the tree has any defect, it’s entangled into another tree, dead branches, speed and direction of wind, etc.
  • Arrange an escape beforehand. Find a route to escape if something wrong happens.
  • If there is anyone with or around you, ensure they are at a safe location.

Follow these safety tips and you’ll be able to complete your projects safely and with efficiency.

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