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5 Great Tips to Increase the Value of Your Home

5 Great Tips to Increase the Value of Your Home

increase value of homeIf you find that home prices are dropping in your neighborhood, you should get an alert and start attempting to boost your home’s value. Believe me, there are smart ways to do that. Real estate experts say that home improvement pays off, whether you sell your home now or in near future. So, if the question “what is my home worth?” is bothering you, you can invest smartly to increase your home value.

1. Make it Spacious

If your home has got any non-structural wall/s, knock it out. Even you can remove a kitchen island. In short, anything you think that will make your home look spacious and will create a feel of a free flow in the house will generate a buyer’s response who can be choosy. You just have to spend a few hundred dollars, and the whole sense of your house will change to a better one.

2. Prune the Greenery

If your garden has untidy bushes and tangled trees, the entire view of your home can change to bad from good. The house will have dark interiors, mold will grow and there will be a blockage in the good looks of the house. If left unheeded, Mother Nature becomes wild and causes considerable damage to the appearance of your house. If the buyers can’t see the house, they just move on.

pruning plants

3. Bring a Change through Light

All experts agree to one thing that brings a great change to your home and that is light. Sun tubes, e.g., are getting more and more popular because they enhance a home’s appeal considerably. So also, dimmers create a mood. Sun tubes which are also called sunscoops, light pipes or tubular skylights, are actually less costly than framing in a skylight. They make use of a reflective material and funnel natural light through it which enters through a hole cut in the rooftop and capped with a globe. Tubular skylights make the sunlight pleasant and moonlight even more pleasant. Other ways to light up your home are repairing broken panes, ensuring that windows are opening alright and trying lights that are turned off by motion detectors. Use high wattage bulbs wherever the space is small to create a feel of largeness and soft light wherever spaces are empty to make them look warm.


4. Don’t Forget Basic Repairs

You might be planning for a lavish upgrade to boost your home’s worth. But before that ensure if the basic repairs have been done, and if they are not, do them. Repair leakages, install storm doors, replace rusted rain gutters, insulate the attic, and weed the lawns. Investing in basic maintenance is not only wise, but that can also be better for sale. Top brokers say that those houses get buyers’ attention which are in their tip-top shape.

5. Importance of Front Door

It is advisable not to underestimate the importance of front door, as experts say that buyers, and other people too, get their first impression about the house in the first seven seconds upon getting in. The door bell should be working and there should be an overhang, like a portico or an awning, above the front door. If you don’t have a shelter from the rain or sun, while groping for your keys, it’s a minus point.

front door with awning

These are just basic things which we tend to forget while considering big renovations. If only you consider them, the worth of your home may go up considerably. So, try them if you haven’t yet.

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